Supply House Times
Ferguson acquires commercial MRO distributor

Ferguson donates toys to local Salvation Army

January 10, 2017

Ferguson headquarters donated nearly 4,000 toys to the Salvation Army of the Virginia Peninsula and more than 350 of its locations across the country partnered with local nonprofit organizations, as part of the company’s fourth annual Project Holiday Joy campaign.

Associates adopted families through the angel tree program, donated toys for children and gifts for senior citizens, and collected monetary donations in their communities.

“A unique part of our culture is we not only support each other, but we also support the needs of our community,” Ferguson CEO Frank Roach said. “I am proud to work alongside associates who have a passion and desire to give back to the community not only during the holidays but throughout the year.”

Ferguson noted it supports its neighbors in need as part of the company’s Ferguson Cares mission to strengthen the communities where its associates live and work.