Supply House Times
2017 Supply House Times Young Execs 20

2017 Supply House Times Young Execs 20

Supply House Times once again asked our industry partners to identify some of these rising stars.

April 17, 2017

Young talents continue to make an impact in our industry. From counter sales to marketing to management, up-and-coming leaders are growing by the day. Supply House Times once again asked our industry partners to identify some of these rising stars. The result is the fifth annual Supply House Times Young Execs 20.

List Overview, continued:

Aranoff | Billingsley | Brickett | Conner | Covay | Dellon | Jamon Fuller | Joey Fuller | Hawk | Heil | Next page

Gregory Aranoff

Gregory Aranoff, 37

Platsky Co. (Westbury, N.Y.)
Vice President (3 years, 13 years with company)

Gregory says: “This industry rewards those who work hard and have good ideas. If you enjoy solving problems, there is a need for you in this industry.”


Michael Billingsley

Michael Billingsley, 37

Billingsley, Barbot, Woolf, Canale (Kenner, La.)
Partner (4 years)

Michael says: “I couldn’t envision a better time to join our industry. Seize this opportunity by learning every chance you get, hon-or your commitments and strive every day to make yourself and your organization better.”


Regis Brickett

Regis Brickett, 28

Jabo Supply (Huntington, W. Va.)
Head of Purchasing (6 months)

Regis says: “When I found an opportunity to establish a home, I jumped on it. That opportunity happened to be in the PVF in-dustry. I was very lucky to end up where I am today.”


Cole Conner

Cole Conner, 27

The Distribution Point (Moody, Ala.)
Outside Sales (4 years)

Cole says: “Be aware of how small the industry really is. You will work with the same people in different capacities as your career progresses. Honesty, integrity and humility are of the utmost importance in wholesale distribution.”


Rebekah Covay

Rebekah Covay, 37

Cohn Communications
(Forte buying group)
Event Director (4 years)

Rebekah says: “Bring fresh energy and new ideas to the forefront. There always is room to be the teacher and the student in our industry.”


Kate Dellon

Kate Dellon, 31

Dellon Sales (Albertson, N.Y.)
Jack of all Trades (2 years)

Kate says: “This industry is fast-paced, fun and exciting and I learn something new every day. Being a rep agency, we get to experience it all.”


Jamon Fuller

Jamon Fuller, 39

Morrison Supply (Houston)
Account Manager-Commercial, Mechanical, PVF Sales (2 years, 15 years in industry)

Jamon says: “I knew early on it would be a fulfilling career and one where I always could provide for my family.”



Joey Fuller, 32

Texas Plumbing Supply (Houston)
Outside Sales (13 years, sales 7 years)

Joey says: “Customer service is the most important thing. Take care of your customers and they will take care of you.”



Alana Hawk, 28

Jones Stephens (Moody, Ala.)
Channel Marketing Manager (6 years)

Alana says: “There is a warm, mentoring culture among the senior leadership of our industry who always are willing to share in-formation and give of themselves.”



Adam Heil, 29

Coyle Supply (Granite City, Ill.)
Marketing Manager (2-plus years)

Adam says: “I started as a delivery driver in college. Working for Coyle has taught me to think critically, work in the short run while planning for the long and to appreciate the difference in abilities to bring about efficiency.”


List Overview:

Hoegemeier | Ismert | Kissler | Kolaitis | McClary | McLaughlin | Morton | Porter | Ruano | Weiner | Last page

Dan Hoegemeier

Dan Hoegemeier, 33

Reliance Worldwide (SharkBite, Cash Acme, Atlanta)
Central Regional Sales Manager (2 years)

Dan says: “The greatest reason I love working at RWC is we not only have a great culture, but we are committed to driving change through innovation.”


Jacob Ismert

Jacob Ismert, 32

Sioux Chief (Peculiar, Mo.)
Regional Sales Manager (3 years, 7 years in industry)

Jacob says: “The plumbing industry is a great American way to make a living. I am privileged to be able to meet many people who have taken risks and succeeded in starting and building companies.”



Jeffrey Kissler, 27 (right)
Matthew Kissler, 26

Kissler and Co. (Carlstadt, N.J.)
Regional Sales Manager (Jeffrey, 5 years)
Warehouse Operations (Matthew, 4 years)

Jeffrey says: “I like being around the Kissler family atmosphere. We have employees who have met five generations of my family and I have met many generations of theirs.”
Matthew says: “I tried out a couple different jobs, but knew Kissler was where I wanted to be. Plumbing was in my blood and I am excited to carry on the Kissler name.”


Jessica Kolaitis

Jessica Kolaitis, 32

Tim Morales & Associates (Mobile, Ala.)
Accounting and Operations Manager (5 years)

Jessica says:
“This sector will be around for a long time and if you invest your time and energy, it will pay you back tenfold — probably for life.”


Dan McClary

Dan McClary, 39

Balfrey & Johnston (Oak Park, Mich.)
Vice President (5 years)

Dan says:
“Take the time to truly understand the answers to questions, rather than reciting information you are given. Com-pletely understanding the cause of and solutions to problems makes you much more valuable.”


Julius McLaughlin

Julius McLaughlin, 38

American Valve (Greensboro, N.C.)
Quality Assurance/Quality Control Specialist (10 years)

Julius says:
“Even though I came into the industry with limited experience. I was given the chance to learn, grow and advance within the organization.”


Jen Morton

Jen Morton, 37

BWA South (Hilliard, Ohio)
Partner (5 years)

Jen says:
“I had no intention of selling plumbing products for a living. It is most definitely the people who made me stay. Our industry is full of some of the best.”


Frank Porter

Frank Porter, 31

Porter Pipe & Supply (Addison, Ill.)
Branch Manager (16 months)

Frank says:
“I like that our big industry has a very small feel to it. The relationships in this industry tend to be very close and there is a high level of mutual respect across the board.”


Eric Ruano

Eric Ruano, 36

Consumers Pipe & Supply (Fontana, Calif.)
Controller, 12 years

Eric says:
“I had been working full-time at Consumers my last two years of college and upon graduating was offered an op-portunity to enhance my accounting career skills while continuing to work in the PVF industry.”


Kymberly Weiner

Kymberly Weiner, 35

Best Plumbing Supply (Somers, N.Y.)
NYC Sales and Development Manager (2 months; 10-plus years with Best)

Kymberly says:
“There are so many different sides to our industry and there is something for everyone. I always tell people, every-body needs a toilet!”