Scott Robertson
ASA helps you build your bottom line

How do you top seven years of increasedgrowth and success of the largest gathering of distributors, manufacturers and manufacturers representatives in one networking event?
You hold it in one of the hottest and fastest-growing cities in America — Nashville! NETWORK2017 is the American Supply Association’s premier event drawing nearly 150 leading distributor firms along with 80 top manufacturers and roughly 100 rep firms to a three-day program packed with educational sessions, networking opportunities and motivational events. Our focus this year — Build Your Bottom Line.
As a distributor, I keep an eye on my company’s costs. Equally important is how I invest my time. If I can’t see a direct line between my time and money to my company’s bottom line and its future, I won’t commit the time or money.
The leadership of ASA takes the same approach in preparing the program for NETWORK2017. We work hard to make sure every educational and networking session being offered in Nashville will provide tips, ideas and best-practice suggestions that will help you build your company’s bottom line. I am extremely confident that we once again have a great program to offer you. All you have to do is make the time to attend.
I realize we all have tremendous demands on our time from the demand to attend our buying group meetings to manufacturer trips and our own customer trips — we are pulled in many directions. Just like you, I’m pulled in the many different directions but I know if I don’t take time to invest in myself as an owner and my ability as a business leader, I could end up on a permanent vacation with no business to run.
In Nashville, invest your time and attend one of the 10 powerful educational sessions such as:
Reinforcement for Profitable Sales;
Secret Tech Weapons for PHCP/PVF Professionals;
Charting the Course Through Demographic Change; and
The popular 2018 industry forecast that always draws a capacity audience.
All of this awaits you in Nashville Oct. 11-13. Also be sure to take time to participate in the eight networking events that allow you to connect with leading manufacturers and distributors and are designed to help you build your bottom line.
Check out the exciting program we have put together by visiting www.asa.net/network17.
It’s time to invest in yourself and in the key members of your leadership team. Come to NETWORK2017 in Nashville. While NETWORK2017 is the association’s biggest event of the year, it’s not just for members. Nonmember firms can find unbelievable value in learning from the top presenters as well as from fellow attendees who have tremendous best-practice examples to share.
As I have been saying since my term as ASA president began, “jump in” and see what the excitement is all about at NETWORK2017. Year after year, this event continues to grow and attract the most professional business leaders in the industry — all there for you to learn from.
Registration is open. Build your bottom line. Register today.