The 2018 NSPC provides information about common materials, fixtures, devices, and equipment systems used or installed in plumbing systems.
Now available: 2018 National Standard Plumbing Code Illustrated

The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials said it has released the 2018 edition of the National Standard Plumbing Code Illustrated. The newly updated edition of the code, the first to be published by IAPMO, can be purchased via the IAPMO web store here.
“The NSPC Committee has kept the code up to date with the changes in the plumbing industry regarding new products, installation procedures, and public health and safety,” said NSPC Code Committee chair Dick Wagner.
The 2018 NSPC provides information about common materials, fixtures, devices, and equipment systems used or installed in plumbing systems. It is being printed only in the popular illustrated format, with comments and illustrations clearly shown as supplemental material. Appendix G, intended to promote sustainable plumbing practices, has been updated with revised excerpts from the 2015 IAPMO Green Plumbing and Mechanical Supplement.