46th annual AIM/R conference heads to Napa
The Association of Independent Manufacturers’ Representatives (AIM/R) announced its 46th annual conference will take place Sept. 12-15 at the Meritage Reosrt & Spa in Napa, California.
The theme for this year’s conference is “Cultivating Your Success.”
Conference Chair Mike Mullen of Louisiana-based A.H. Deveney is planning a robust lineup of critical topics facing reps and manufacturers alike, as well as some fantastic entertainment.
Comedian Greg Schwem and Comedy with a Byte Inc., will remind attendees to “Work, Laugh, Repeat” at the first-ever AIM/R Luncheon & Awards on Thursday, Sept. 13.
Dr. Gustavo Grodnitzky will show participants how “Culture Trumps Everything” in the workplace during a talk on Friday, Sept. 14.
As a special sendoff on Saturday, Sept. 15, hypnotist Tom DeLuca will reveal how the power of suggestion can shape your perspective in the office, business and home.
Online registration for the conference opens March 1. For future updates about the conference, visit www.aimr/net/annual-conference/.