Dirk Beveridge: eco-system of solutions becomes primary

Beyond selling the right product at the right place, at the right time, distributors will provide integrated technology, logistics, education, financial services, technology and market expertise and more as an eco-system of solutions. A higher level of customer intimacy, business acumen, partnering capabilities and strategic-consultative selling will become imperative. As a result, the integration between customers and distributors will become tighter, creating new revenue and margin streams and a stickiness by being embedded into the customers’ business. Have you started to design a value proposition and eco-system of solutions?
Access Dirk’s free Innovative Mindset assessment and receive a complimentary analysis that compares how you think and lead to the most innovative leaders in distribution at http://myinnovativemindset.com
This article was originally titled “Business model evolution #2” in the ASA News section of the August 2018 print edition of Supply House Times.