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ASA to support HARDI in influencing codes and standards for HVACR

November 18, 2019

ASA and Heating, Air- conditioning & Refrigerator Distributors International (HARDI) have signed an agreement for ASA to offer codes and standards services to HARDI. Beginning in January 2020, ASA will provide HARDI with code tracking and consulting to monitor, understand and influence codes and standards changes impacting the HVACR industry.

Over the last several years, ASA has developed a significant presence in codes and standards activity impacting the PHCP/PVF channels. This presence provides significant opportunity for ASA to help HARDI navigate the process for ultimate impact and success. Acting ASA COO and Vice President of Advocacy Jim Kendzel and HARDI’s Director of Government Affairs Alex Ayers will serve as the leads for this partnership.

“In response to major external issues recently affecting their membership, ASA developed an impressive infrastructure for monitoring and influencing codes and standards," said HARDI CEO Talbot Gee. "HARDI’s membership and the HVACR industry as a whole needs to prepare now for the major transition to low-GWP refrigerants and this starts with codes and standards. So rather than reinventing the wheel, we’re excited to partner with our counterparts at ASA and leverage what they’ve built to help HARDI lead the HVACR industry into the new regulatory world in which we’re about to live."

As part of this agreement, ASA will monitor and advise HARDI and its government affairs team when issues of critical concern are being debated and how best the association and its members can impact the discussion.  

“We are very excited about the opportunity to work more closely with HARDI and we are proud of our long, successful history in codes and standards," said ASA CEO Mike Adelizzi. "We know that with our background, we will be able to properly support HARDI in monitoring and influencing HVACR codes and standards issues."

More information will be released as 2020 progresses.




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