Supply House Times

ASA Webinar: How to maximize benefits of PROJECT TALENT careers platform

November 4, 2020

Wednesday, November 11 at 2 p.m. Eastern, 1 p.m. Central.

At its recent NETWORK2020 Virtual event, ASA officially rolled out its PROJECT TALENT careers platform aimed at helping member companies attract the next generation of talent into the PHCP-PVF industry.

As an ASA member, companies now have 24-7 access to a PROJECT TALENT toolbox loaded with important marketing assets that will help them recruit the industry’s stars of the future.

During this important webinar, Mike Walsh, president of Boston-headquartered advertising agency and ASA PROJECT TALENT partner Harger Howe, will provide a detailed step-by-step tutorial on how all PROJECT TALENT assets in the Industry Career Portal can be accessed and best utilized, including information on:

  • A free member job board;
  • An industry career website;
  • Accessing the ASA member directory;
  • Job description library;
  • Many free marketing templates (social media, HTML, print collateral);
  • Plus, much more.

This is an ASA members-only webinar. Please make sure a representative of your company (HR, training, marketing, operations) is registered for this webinar. All pre-registrants will have on-demand access to the webinar.

Register for the PROJECT TALENT Webinar here.