Supply House Times
ASA President's Letter
May 2024 Letter from the ASA President feature image of the Capitol building in Washington D.C. at sunset.

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ASA Advocacy provides important voice for PHCP-PVF industry

Election year talk

May 6, 2024

What are three rules you don’t talk about with customers or employees?

  1. What religion are you?
  2. What is your vaccination status?
  3. What is your political stance?

So — let’s get this party started. I’m Catholic. Vaccinate myself and my kids (with hesitation but I would rather them go to school than be at home), and I think the politicians are too scared to collaborate and get something of significance done.

There in lies the necessity for ASA Advocacy. We need a voice in Washington. All of us need the interests of the PHCP-PVF Industry to be top of mind, heard and understood.
 Thus, in 2024, we are re-doubling our efforts to make sure Congress and the administration are aware of how their decisions impact our industry.
 ASA has filed comments that push back on restrictive regulations that can stifle industry growth. Our Advocacy division has been proactive on multiple legislative fronts at the federal and state levels.
 During the AD Spring Network meeting in March, ASA Advocacy helped to devise an issue strategy and coordinate a trip to Capitol Hill that saw 280 members engage 80 different offices in the House and Senate. This acted as a force multiplier for legislative issues that directly affect our industry — including taxation, regulations and inventory.

In addition, 2024 is also a code year, meaning code proposals for plumbing, mechanical, and a wide variety of verticals are up for review. In the last few months alone, 80% of the supported ASA code proposals have been adopted.

Every election year it is important that we all get out and vote. It is essential for employers to speak to their workers about the importance of voting. This year has thrown a lot at companies and workers alike — inflation levels not seen since the early 1980s, the increased taxation and regulatory compliance, as well as the reservations that come with all of it. It can become overwhelming, the more you think about it.

Luckily, it doesn’t have to be the case. Every American can affect change in their own way. As an employer, you can encourage your employees to register to vote, support candidates based on the issues that are important to both of your livelihoods and encourage conversation about why these issues are important.

Companies and their employees are often in the same boat when it comes to many government regulations and policies. Important points to consider:

1. Taxation, trade, safety, transportation, and other issues affect everyone in your industry;

2. Some policies can help foster growth, while others can hinder it;

3. Employers can host events where candidates from both parties can speak to your workers about the issues of the day and why they support policies that will help grow your business and benefit your employees at the same time; 4.) Talk to your employees about issues that are helping or hurting your business — and encourage them to think about these issues when they go to vote for the candidate of their choice.

Voter participation is the lifeblood of our democracy. Encouraging your workers, not only to vote, but to support candidates that will help our industry, your business, and their quality of life, will go a long way to cut through the partisan chatter and create government policies for all of us.

ASA Advocacy, as one of the four key missions of the association, continues to provide additional value to members by helping to shape policies that provide a growth environment for our businesses, providing opportunities to meet with our federal legislators working to elect those that will defend those principles, supporting national model codes and standards that increase efficiency while holding the line on costs.