Delta Faucet's brand initiatives generate interest
"The new logo has been well accepted," said Ray Kennedy, vice president/marketing. "Our recent product introductions back up our claims and show that our initiatives are not just words, but are being put into action."
The Delta logo now incorporates a water drops symbol to represent the fresh thinking and new way of doing business throughout the company, Kennedy said.
Delta's new ad campaign includes variations on the theme "beautifully engineered." TV commercials have already begun. An ad for Delta's stainless-steel finish on its pullout faucets began airing in June and its new Victorian Collection will be featured in ads in September.
The company introduced a promotion for builders and contractors in August to encourage sales of its Victorian Collection and new jetted shower, Kennedy said.
Delta's sales force is in the process of updating showrooms and wholesaler counter areas with the company's new logo and new products. New packaging will be rolled out in January 2002 with changes in graphics, information content and structural improvements, Kennedy said.
Delta's repositioning involves the entire company, said John Wills, president, in a statement. "This begins with product development and branding, and extends through manufacturing, sales, service and customer relationships - all of which bring our brands to life."