Winner of the Bradley Corp.'s Ultimate Washfountain Challenge
March 3, 2003
Kindergarteners at Madison elementary school in West Allis, Wis., enjoy using their new prize - a foot-controlled Bradley Terreon[R] Juvenile Height Washfountain. The school was awarded the washfountain in the Bradley Ultimate Washfountain Challenge. Bradley Corp. kicked off its 80th anniversary last year with the contest to find the most unique, antique or otherwise unusual washfountains. The washfountain is a group handwashing fixture that promotes using less water, energy and space than traditional lavatories or faucets. Contest entrants submitted photos of their washfountain, along with a description of where and how it was used and why it should be considered "the ultimate." The company selected five finalists and invited visitors to its
Web site at www.BradleyCorp.com to vote for a winner.