Visit Our New Web Site At www.asaef.org
March 3, 2003
After several months of work and a lot of help from a lot of people, the new ASA Education Foundation website went live in early January. The new site, located at www.asaef.org, is directly linked to the ASA and the Center for Advancing Technology sites. The new site provides a shopping cart feature that is accessible 24/7 for secure online purchases of ASA and EF products and programs. For those who prefer to avoid online purchases, a PDF order form that can be printed out and faxed is available for most products.
A Training Center serves as the core feature for the site and lists the learning objectives for all Foundation programs, a direct link to online registration for the University of Industrial Distribution, access to the last three Trainers' Forum e-letters, a list of training available from regional associations and links to other sources of training.
Other features of the site include a calendar, press room, general information on the Foundation, scholarship information and applications and information on the Endowment Fund.
This will be our quickest and most effective way to provide current information on products and programs. We hope you visit www.asaef.org often.