Supply House Times

Hirsch Pipe & Supply will help train plumbers

September 7, 2001
Hirsch Pipe & Supply has committed to helping Roto-Rooter acquire training aids such for a training program that Roto-Rooter is developing.

Hirsch Pipe & Supply (San Juan Capistrano, Calif.) has committed to helping Roto-Rooter acquire training aids such as tools, catalogs, instructional materials and samples for a training program that Roto-Rooter is developing.

The wholesaler may also assist by scheduling presentations by Hirsch personnel and sales reps.

The new Roto-Rooter plumbing training facility is under construction in Anaheim, Calif., and scheduled to open this summer. Mike Bondurant, regional trainer, will oversee the training center, which is patterned after one in Arizona. The facility will feature all of the plumbing environments, including water heaters, showers and faucets.




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