Supply House Times

PVF Roundtable To Address European Specs

September 1, 2005
The featured speaker for the Oct. 18 General Assembly Meeting of Houston's PVF Roundtable will be Lindsey Bredemeyer of Bredemeyer Engineering, who is an authority on one of the newer European Specifications, the PED, or Pressure Equipment Directive.

This European Specification has the potential to cause American manufacturers and distributors a great deal of problems, since the requirements are not well known and may be overlooked by uninformed sales personnel. The PED governs material that is scheduled to be used in Europe, but may be manufactured or procured in the United States. Requirements for this particular Specification vary greatly from those of ASME, and material that would ordinarily be accepted by ASME probably will be summarily rejected by PED as nonconforming. Lindsey will inform the PVF Roundtable membership of the requirements and try to ensure that they are aware of the potential problems.

For more information, contact PVF Roundtable secretary Tom Cameron at 713-671-2922,