Supply House Times

ASA Young Executives and Charlotte Pipe & Foundry Company Partnered for Spring Forum 2009

July 1, 2009
Attendees representing 23 different wholesalers and manufacturers from throughout the U.S. enjoyed the opening dinner hosted by Charlotte Pipe & Foundry Co.

The 2009 Spring Forum presented by ASA’s Young Executives (Y.E.) Division on May 18-19 in Charlotte, North Carolina, proved to be an outstanding success.  Despite the tough economy and many corporate restrictions on travel, the program had 33 attendees representing 23 different companies, of which eight were manufacturers and vendors.

ASA Young Executives fully embrace the exchange of ideas and best practices with one another at the Spring Forum.  (L-R) Rogers Earl, Jr. from Valley Supply Co.; Jay Bazemore from JABO Supply Corp.; Patrick Maloney from Coburn Supply Co.; Ed Ismert Sioux Chief; Jeff Worly from Worly Plumbing Supply; Chris Fasano from Torrington Supply Co.

“Thanks to the ongoing efforts of the Y.E. Officers Council, the past two years have witnessed some dramatic changes to the structure and content of the annual Forum so as to broaden the program’s appeal for both participants and decision-makers alike,” said Chris Murin, ASA’s executive director.  “Each Forum has offered a compelling educational program with a broad appeal, a schedule that allows for participants to be away from work and family just one night, a metropolitan destination with competitive and convenient airfares, and a strategic partner that provides participants a leadership development component vis-à-vis a senior corporate executive sharing his or her perspective and experiences on corporate leadership lessons learned.”

Renewing old friendships and forging new partnerships during the Welcome Reception are (L-R) Zach Hudgins from Watts Water Technologies; Tom Hoar with Datalliance; Jamie and Jason Reardon from Supply New England.

This year, the Spring Forum enjoyed tremendous support from E. Hooper Hardison, Jr. with Charlotte Pipe & Foundry Company as well as the ASA Education Foundation’s Karl E. Neupert Endowment Fund. The educational component focused on effective sales management through strategies, people, processes and tools.  Joe Ellers proved to be an excellent speaker and facilitator with pragmatic case studies and exercises.  The program proved so popular that a follow-up conference call was held with Joe Ellers in order for the program participants to reconvene and hold one another accountable for putting into use what they learned.

“This conference call was the first of a series of virtual meetings for members of ASA’s Young Executives Division.” shared Murin. “The members of the Y.E. Officers Council met on May 18th to continue their ongoing strategic conversation about how to enhance the value of Y.E. membership beyond what is currently offered.  In an effort to recruit new members (the Division currently has 59), individuals are invited to join the Division and participate in the virtual meetings between now and the end of the year free-of-charge.  It is anticipated that the virtual meetings will take place once per quarter, including one as a follow-up or precursor to the annual Forum program.”

For more information on membership in the Young Executives Division and view pictures from the 2009 Spring Forum, visit





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