Supply House Times

ASA's Advocacy a Focus at NetworkASA 2010: THRIVE

November 1, 2010
Renown strategist Karl Rove and policy expert Joan Woodward in the spotlight.

Karl Rove

Over the past four years, ASA has revitalized its advocacy efforts and has become a respected and dominant voice for the PHCP and PVF industry in national legislative and regulatory matters.  

ASA continued to flex its political muscle at NetworkASA 2010: THRIVE by providing attendees the opportunity to hear from two experienced and respected voices of the political and public policy scenes. Joan Woodward, executive vice president of public policy for Travelers, tapped into her 12 years of experience on Capitol Hill, where she was the deputy chief of staff for the U.S. Senate Committee on finance as well as senior economist for the U.S. Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs and the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Budget, to give participants some insight on what to expect in the mid-term elections and where public policy issues - such as the health care bill - currently stand.

Joan Woodward

Headlining ASA’s Future Trends lunch was Karl Rove, nationally prominent campaign strategist and former deputy chief of staff and senior advisor to President George W. Bush. Those in attendance were intrigued and inspired by Rove’s assessment of the current political climate in Washington, D.C., and his thoughts on where the nation is - or should be - headed in the near future. Rove also gave his perspective on international relationships and where the U.S. should focus its policy efforts in years to come.  

“As the voice of the industry, ASA was pleased and proud to present to our members speakers of this caliber who can raise the level of information and understanding beyond anything available through other sources,” shared Mike Adelizzi, ASA’s executive vice president. “The value of membership in ASA goes beyond the nuts and bolts of running a business and addresses even the outside forces that impact our members’ ability to run successful and profitable business. You can be assured that ASA’s voice is only going to become stronger and more powerful in the days ahead.”
