Supply House Times

ASA Honors Distinguished Service at NetworkASA 2012

December 1, 2012
Plumbing Division Award of Excellence recipient Wally Gumm

During NetworkASA 2012 many awards were given to members honoring their distinguished service. Pictured here, from left are: Dakota Meyer, Plumbing Division Award of Excellence recipient Wally Gumm (Embassy Group) and Plumbing Division Chairman Jay Hults (Progressive Plumbing Supply).

IPD Award of Excellence recipient John Martin

Another award winner pictured here, left, are: (from left to right) outgoing IPD Chairman Pat Adams (MKS Pipe and Valve Co.), IPD Award of Excellence recipient John Martin (Anvil International) and presenter Jill Hurd (All-Tex Pipe and Supply).

Division Award of Excellence recipient Rick Schwartz

Rick Schwartz also received an award at NetworkASA 2012. Shown here (right) is: Plumbing Division Award of Excellence recipient Rick Schwartz (left) of WinWholesale with presenter Joe Poehling (First Supply).

Fred V. Keenan Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Morris Beschloss

The most honored of the night was Morris Beschloss. Pictured here (left) are: Fred V. Keenan Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Morris Beschloss (left) with presenter John Martin.





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