Supply House Times
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Greenbuild announces Hilary Clinton as 2013 keynote speaker

May 30, 2013

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) announced that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the opening keynote speaker at the 2013 Greenbuild International Conference and Expo in Philadelphia. The conference will be held from Nov. 20-22 at the LEED Gold certified Pennsylvania Convention Center. 

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Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the opening keynote speaker at 2013 Greenbuild.

“USGBC is deeply honored that Secretary Hillary Clinton has accepted our invitation to speak at Greenbuild 2013,” said Rick Fedrizzi, USGBC President and CEO. “She is a respected global leader whose body of work over the years has championed initiatives that are aligned with our movement — nation-building, social justice economic equality and children’s health and well-being.”

Greenbuild 2013 is three days of networking, educational sessions, green building tours, master speakers and plenary events.

 Registration opens June 5, 2013. For more information visit, follow @Greenbild on Twitter and tweet hastag #Greenbuild to talk about the event.