Supply House Times
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ASA’s Industrial Piping Division

The Industrial Piping Division (IPD) is a special interest group within the American Supply Association comprised of ASA member firms

July 18, 2013

The Industrial Piping Division (IPD) is a special interest group within the American Supply Association comprised of ASA member firms whose business is predominately in the distribution or manufacturing of industrial and mechanical pipe, valves and fittings and allied supplies.


Membership in IPD offers:

· Practical information to help increase your operational productivity and profits.

· Meetings and workshops, such as the Weldbend IPD Breakfast held annually at NetworkASA , that address the issues affecting your business.

· Opportunities to interact with suppliers and to network with fellow PVF colleagues from across the country.

· Information on the latest trends and issues, with a forum in which to discuss possible solutions.


IPD also publishes the quarterly IPD Commodity Reports and the quarterly PVF Outlook magazine, aimed primarily at end-users and customers of IPD distributors.

Contact Chris Murin, IPD staff liaison, at or (630) 467-0000, ext. 204 for more information.


2013 Executive Council

Jay Bazemore


JABO Supply Corp.


Gary Bosley

Erb Co.


Craig Geers

J. O. Galloup Co.


Rick Giannini

Milwaukee Valve Co.


Dale Hurd

All-Tex Pipe & Supply


Stephen Letko

Weldbend Corp.


Alan Lipp

Merit Brass Co.


Sheryl Michalak

Welding Outlets, Inc.


Brian Tuohey

Vice Chairman

Collins Pipe & Supply Co.


Kip Miller

Eastern Industrial Supplies


Gerry Slattery

United Pipe & Steel Corp.


Mike Stefko



Gary Stratiner

Puget Sound Pipe & Supply Co.


Mike Taylor

Columbia Specialty Co.


Wally Walstrom

Chicago Tube & Iron Co.


John Welles

Apollo Valves