General Pipe Cleaners’ Flexicore closet augers are made of two layers of tempered spring steel coiled tightly over a core of 49-strand wire rope, providing remarkable resistance to kinking, General Pipe Cleaners points out. The design is guaranteed against breakage for a full year, including damage to the cable, as well as the auger’s other components. The unit’s Teletube Flexicore closet auger helps when the stoppage is just beyond the bowl. Rather than pulling the bowl, the heavy-duty auger has 3’ of cable telescoped inside the guide tube until it is needed. After the first 3’ of cable is worked into the bowl, press a button and pull the crank handle for an additional 3’. The custom closet auger bag puts an end to dragging dripping-wet closet augers through homes, hospitals and offices, and keeps the auger contained and out of sight when carried to and from jobs.

General Pipe Cleaners.