There is much confusion in the marketplace in the wake of the Trump administration’s recent Section 232 action. We are seeing upward pricing trends, particularly in stainless steel pipe, from master distributors and importers of these products. The Section 232 determinations do not seem to clearly cover stainless steel products and only specifically cover carbon steel and aluminum, so it is unclear at this time whether stainless steel truly is subject to 232 or if the confusion will give way to the opportunity to raise prices and take profits. This may be a short-lived bubble.

It also was reported the week of March 19 that the U.S. International Trade Commission has announced countervailing duties and antidumping duties that range from 150% to 384% on stainless steel flanges from India and 432% on stainless flanges from China. The duties also are retroactive 90 days from the announcement, which means all importers of record will be required to pay these duties retroactive into December 2017 for any product that has arrived within the last three months.


The American Supply Association (ASA) and its Industrial Piping Division (IPD) is the national organization serving wholesaler-distributors and their suppliers in the industrial and mechanical pipe-valve-fitting industry.  As a powerful alliance of channel partners, we provide a forum for your upstream trading partners to exchange critical information and address key issues.

In particular, ASA’s IPD members constantly check the pulse of the materials and commodities they proudly supply to you.  ASA’s IPD members are knowledgeable industry leaders, and those who volunteer their service on the IPD Executive Council compile and prepare the IPD Commodity Reports.  The Reports contain some of the most current and qualified market data and information available from the industry’s leading manufacturers and distributors about emerging trends and other price-influencing actions and events.

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