There are 638,583 companies that manufacture product right here in the United States, according to IBISWorld. U.S. manufacturing is important for a multitude of reasons; job growth, U.S. economic growth, product transparency and more.
After enduring more than two years of a severely disrupted supply chain due to global factors, including outrageous container fees, fluctuating tariffs and more, the desire for more onshore manufacturing is rising even higher.
Consumers want more transparency, and they want to support American-made products and companies. The good news is, the U.S. manufacturing market is delivering. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in early 2021, manufacturing jobs have seen eight consecutive months of growth, and during President Biden’s first year in office, the economy added 367,000 manufacturing jobs — the most in nearly 30 years.
The U.S. is seeing increasing technology and automation, along with declining energy consumption costs — which is important when competing with international players. These positive factors don’t cancel out the challenges that come with committing to domestic manufacturing, so Supply House Times wants to celebrate some of the PHCP-PVF manufacturers that face those challenges head-on and provide the industry with quality, essential product manufactured right on American soil.