In an era of constantly rising customer expectations, wholesaler-distributors are faced with the challenge every day of staying top of mind for their contractor customers; a task that isn’t easy in a market saturated by online shopping and big box retail.
Competing on price alone is no longer going to win the customer each time. Ease of ordering, availability, speed of delivery, location, open hours, customer service and staff knowledge – among other factors – are playing a vital role in why contractors chose to do business with you.
Distributors across the map are getting creative to better serve customers.
Special programs and services
For example, Plymouth, Minnesota-based DSG offers a "TalkNText Line" that helps customers text orders, pictures, and job documents to our main phone line — from the truck to the job site or anywhere else! This saves time and reduces errors; no more phone tag.

Photo courtesy of Eastern Industrial Supplies
Many distributors have incentive programs to grow accounts, but according to Cole Mercier, communications manager at DSG, the company takes is one-step further.
“With our ‘DSG Plus’ rewards program, we come from a purpose-driven perspective of building futures. This includes helping our customers succeed through setting goals, recognizing that, and building meaningful relationships on memorable trips and beyond.”
Recognizing how important it is for contractors to keep jobs moving forward without hiccups, DSG also offers onsite trailers for secure jobsite storage. These trailers have VMI (vendor-managed inventory) with custom barcode creation and quick reordering, colored wire services (including custom cuts, same-day delivery options, preloaded reels, and free pulling heads), energy audits for lighting retrofit projects (this saves customers time and money and helps improve energy efficiency), and project management from in-house experts.
Over on the west coast, California-based Rubenstein Supply focuses on quick deliveries and access to product even when branches are closed.
"We offer deliveries before standard business hours and we open some branches on weekends," Matt Laiolo, president, explains. “We also offer express deliveries within one hour via a third party service.”
Rubenstein customers also have access to inventory and pricing after hours as well as web order entry.
Greenville, South Carolina-based Eastern Industrial Supplies has an entire division devoted to engineered products, instrumentation and controls; they call it the “E.P.I.C” Division.
“E.P.I.C has a team of product specialists and trainers that travel around the United States to certify our customers on the manufacturer’s installation requirements and specifications, says Dal Kalsi, brand and culture storyteller. “Our plastic fusion specialists are constantly on the road educating our customers about polypropylene, HDPE, and other plastic alternatives to traditional carbon steel systems and training our customers on how to install these new products in ways that don’t involve a welding torch, system shutdowns, or the headaches associated with the weight of carbon steel systems.”
Eastern’s product specialists go directly to customers - at offices or job sites - and walk them through the whole process and provide hands-on training for all the tools and components needed to complete the job.
When our customers win, we win — not just sales and leadership, but also our drivers, the warehouse, office and shared services — everyone. We all want success, and doing so requires a commitment to excellence,” – Cole Mercier, DSG
”Our team will then travel back to the job site as often as needed during the installation and be there every step of the way for our customers,” Kalsi says. “Finally, once these systems are up and running, they have warranties, some up to 30 years, and our product specialists are ready to go to bat for our customers when warranty issues arise.”
Beyond the extra mile
Going the extra mile is something all business owners try to do. Kalsi says building and growing personal relationships is all about truly caring for people.
“We want to be more than just a supplier or another name on our customers' bidding lists. We strive to help them achieve their purpose by offering extensive product knowledge, custom-engineered solutions, and the peace of mind in knowing that Eastern stands behind what we sell and stands with our customers when or if any issues arise,” he says. “We want our customers to know they’re cared for. That care starts with our sales team. Our sales representatives have centuries of experience between them and a wealth of knowledge in industrial and mechanical applications.”
Eastern has a full-time sales team dedicated to engineered products and solutions, ranging from custom-built automated systems to corrosion-resistant systems and weldable plastics.
“We also offer the tools and the training to ensure our customers install these innovative systems easily and confidently. So, not only do we want to build relationships that last; we also want our customers to have material that lasts,” Kalsi adds.
These are just a few examples of the value-add services that keep independent wholesaler-distributors a step ahead when it comes to serving customers. Stepping into the new year, take a minute to think about what services, big or small, you could implement that would make your distributorship stand-out.