This sample is designed to show a typical format for a performance evaluation form and is not designed to represent a specific job. All performance evaluation forms should be customized to be compatible with the job description you have developed. As shown below, forms should include an explanation of the scale used for evaluation.
The three-point scale (Exceeds Expectations, Meets Expectations and Fails to Meet Expectations) is used in the sample Performance Evaluation Form Template on page 65.
The three performance indicators used to define each performance level are:
1. Exceeds
Performs beyond requirements of the objective. Work performance is consistently effective. There are no weaknesses in performing the major areas of responsibility.Some examples of work behavior typical of this level of performance are:
2. Meets
Work performance is what is expected of a fully qualified and experienced person in the position or an employee who is learning the responsibilities of a new position. Major areas of responsibility are performed in an acceptable manner.Some examples of work behavior typical of this level of performance are:
3. Fails To Meet
Work performance consistently fails to meet the requirements of the objective. Work performance on most major areas of responsibility is inadequate. Employee has been on the job long enough to show better performance.Some examples of work behavior typical of this level of performance are: