Profile Systems introduced its Supplier Assessment Service for large buying organizations, distributors and e-marketplaces.

Profile Systems, a product data and supply-chain management solutions provider for B2B e-commerce, introduced its Supplier Assessment Service for large buying organizations, distributors and e-marketplaces. The service is a customized, measurable approach to determining and evaluating suppliers' e-commerce readiness, commitment and resources for getting quickly e-commerce-enabled.

The company estimates that with these services, an organization could conduct electronic transactions through its procurement applications with key suppliers in less than 120 days.

Recommendations will include provisions for suppliers to create catalog files that allow the buying organization to reap almost immediate savings as a result of reduced transaction errors, the ability to automate pricing updates, production of fewer paper catalogs and improved staff efficiency.

"The challenge is pretty clear," said Mark Parent, president and CEO of Profile Systems. "Buyers are anxious to gain the savings promised by e-procurement and the new Net marketplaces need a critical mass of suppliers to provide liquidity or they will fail. Both want to help their suppliers, but they have neither the time, resources or expertise to do it quickly and effectively."

For additional information, contact Bill Bean, vice president/business development, at 413/243-8008 or e-mail him at