MDA Town Hall Meeting
May 14
Butterfield Country Club, Oak Brook, Illinois
The Midwest Distributors Association hosts another in its ongoing series of Town Hall Meetings, where members are invited to hear guest speakers Joel Becker of Torrington Supply Co. in Waterbury, Conn., and Ed Scott, Jr. For more details, contact MDA at 312-464-0090 or email
CWA/MAD Annual Convention
June 26-27
Maumee Bay Resort,
near Toledo, Ohio
The members of the Central Wholesalers Association and the Michigan Association of Distributors will gather for a joint annual event, which will include a lively business and social program, as well as a golf tournament. On the agenda will be a vote to formalize the merger of the two groups into the new North Central Wholesalers Association. Contact association headquarters at 419-845-2023 or email