The usual non-ASA member registration rate for reps is $565 ($465 for members), representing a tremendous value for those who participate in this promotion.
The special offer is designed to get more non-member wholesalers to attend the convention, which is one of the focal points of the association's year. History has shown that once a non-member attends the convention and trade show, and meets so many of their industry peers, they usually end up becoming members within a short time.
All independent manufacturers representatives are invited to participate in this promotion. To qualify, simply use the registration form included in this issue of Supply House Times. Make a copy, and submit both your registration, along with that of the non-member wholesaler's, (along with the wholesaler's registration fee of $465).
The ASA Convention, featuring the "Industry Summit" program, is a valuable event for everyone involved in the channel, including our independent rep colleagues. This new promotion is a way to enable more reps to become involved.
If you are not sure whether or not your wholesaler is a member of ASA, simply contact the ASA office at 312-464-0090 or email Julianne Bendel at