The ASA Education Foundation is governed by a group of dedicated volunteers representing all segments of our industry. Much of what the Foundation is able to accomplish is driven through the vision and direction of these committed individuals. During its recent meeting, the Board of Trustees elected the following officers and Trustees:

President: Colin Perry, Rampart Plbg. & Htg. Supply, Colorado Springs, CO

President-Elect: Larry Birch, IPS Corp,. Collierville, TN

Treasurer: George Conyngham, Eastern Pennsylvania Supply, Wilkes-Barre, PA

2nd Vice President: Joel Becker, Torrington Supply Co., Waterbury, CT

Secretary: Inge Calderon, ASA, Chicago, IL


Steve Anderson, Central States Industrial Supply, Omaha, NE

Tom Bromley, Your “Other” Warehouse, Baton Rouge, LA

Stanley Dreyfus, SG Supply Co., Calumet Park, IL

Nick Giuffre, Bradford White Water Heaters, Ambler, PA

Calvin Grout, Winnelson, Dayton, OH

John Hansen, Mueller Industries, Memphis, TN

John Heilstedt, Elkay Mfg. Co., Oak Brook, IL

Paul Lunsford, Manufacturers Marketing, Inc., Westfield, IN

Paul Martin, ASA Education Foundation, Chicago, IL

Kevin Neupert, Consolidated Supply Co., Portland, OR

Jeff New, Mid-City Supply Co., Elkhart, IN

Dennis Niver, Red Man Pipe & Supply, Tulsa, OK

Dana Severs, Delta Faucet Co., Indianapolis, IN

Mark Theis, H.W. Theis Co., Brookfield, WI