Improve Your Profit Potential
From time to time, we get questions from our members about what we're working on, what's new, or what's coming down the pike. It's not uncommon to find that most members aren't familiar with even half of what ASA is involved with on their behalf. So we thought we'd give you a “taste” of some of the projects and issues we're currently working on (in random order) that can directly or indirectly translate to greater efficiencies and increased profit for your company.Since this is only a partial list, and space limits us from getting more specific, we encourage you to contact us for more information about any of these areas. Just call 312-464-0090 or write an email to
-- Planning for “Essentials of Profitable PHCP Distribution” seminars in six different areas of the country over the next 6 months.
-- Collaborating with ISH-NA staff to start promoting the audience for this year's trade ISH-NA show in Boston (October 14-16).
-- Researching and writing an updated and enhanced version of the product training series, “Product Pro.”
-- Sending out surveys for this year's “Operating Performance Report,” which will be updated with some new, “slick” features.
-- Preparing to introducing a new Advanced Inside Sales CD-ROM training course.
-- Finalizing the Annual Convention program for October 12-14 in Boston, with speakers including Michael Beschloss, Mike Workman, Terry Brock, Alan Zimmerman, Mac Fulfer and many more.
-- Working with NAPHCC to develop a new concept for the “off-year” event that'll make its debut in 2005.
-- Customizing a terrific new manual on “Customer Service” that'll be available soon.
-- Working with the members of the Wholesalers Association of the Northeast to revitalize their regional organization.
-- Holding webinars for those interested to learn how the Industry Database can benefit their companies.
-- Organizing a manufacturer focus group for feedback on the new “off year” event and ISH-NA.
-- Putting together a new Government Affairs Council to address new issues in Washington, including the asbestos litigation bill, HOS rules, and others.
-- Organizing meetings and gatherings around the country not served by regional associations (such as Texas & Louisiana, etc.)
-- Surveying wholesalers and manufacturers about their use of technology so we can be more targeted in our training and advocacy.
-- Writing to members of Congress urging them to support flexibility in the new Hours of Service rule.
-- Developing important alliances with other groups to leverage knowledge and information. These include NAW, PMI, HARDI, AIM/R, and many others.
-- Joining the Water Infrastructure Network to encourage support for adequate water infrastructure funding at all levels, from federal to local.
-- Creating critical mass for our standardized industry product database by aligning with buying groups and others who can help us build content and participation.
-- Collaborating with PMI to educate manufacturers about the similarities and differences between IDB and UCCNet.