The Arizona Senate passed House Bill 2276 that requires waterfree urinals to be installed in all state buildings in an effort to conserve water. Arizona consistently faces drought conditions.

HB 2276 states that effective Jan. 1, 2005, the Director of the Department of Administration must make every effort to have waterfree urinals installed in all state buildings in order to conserve water.

“Waterfree urinals - especially when used on a wide scale like the Arizona bill requires - will quickly make a positive impact on water levels,” Jim Allen, water conservation manager for Sloan Valve Co., said in a statement. “The industry knows that based on the amount of water saved, the higher LEED™ rating a building can achieve. Plus, the return on investment for waterfree urinals will be quicker when you calculate in the savings for the reduced water and sewer costs,” Allen said.

Sloan Valve offers waterfree urinals.