The consensus reached was that the maximum temperature of hot water supplied by fittings on fixtures in a residential occupancy shall not exceed 49 degrees C. It was agreed that this can be achieved by temperature-actuated thermostatic mixing valves or other devices installed at each fixture or at the tank to meet the objective of 49 degrees C. This will not involve setting the temperature at the water heater. An exception to this will be the water supplied to dishwashers or clothes washers.
If these recommendations are accepted by the Standing Committee on Building and Plumbing Services, they will be included in the 2005 editions of the National Building Code and the National Plumbing Code. It continues to be the goal of CIPH and the Task Force to reduce the possibility of burns and scalds while protecting the health and safety of Canadians.
CIPH and the Task Force have thoroughly examined the health and safety issues and said that the proposed code changes (which have taken less than one year to go through the system of codes and standards) are a win/win situation.
Despite the tornado damage incurred upon CMP Corp.'s corporate offices and manufacturing facilities reported in the July SUPPLY HOUSE TIMES, the company has risen from the debris to continue manufacturing and shipping compressor parts to its customers.
With the help of its employees, CMP was able to clean up the destruction by dragging out the inventory and setting aside the salvageable parts. Many CMP employees even showed up that first night after the tornado to begin the overwhelming clean-up process. As a result, a large portion of the company's inventory was saved.