The NAW Distribution Research & Education Foundation (DREF) has launched a brand new program that is sure to become an oft-referred to new tool for wholesale distributors everywhere.
“Driving Growth and Shareholder Value: The Distribution Value Map,” is the culmination of a 3-year, $2 million collaboration between NAW DREF and Deloitte Consulting LLP.
In this first-of-its-kind book, the “DVM” provides a practical framework, and literally hundreds of provocative, actionable ideas for distributors to consider in their efforts to increase revenues, profitability and shareholder value. The Map (literally a huge organizational tree of Drivers, Levers and Actions) presents an overall summary of how a distributor can put into play any number of strategic initiatives, from the most rudimentary to the most complex, in order to achieve the desired result in a given area of the business.
The Map's companion book provide accessible, content-rich resources that will help distribution executives debate ideas and priorities for their organizations, refine their strategies and plan and execute the tactical performance improvement efforts. These materials are designed to:
- Define how to achieve your objectives;
- Challenge conventional thinking about what drives value for your organization, your customers and your suppliers;
- Develop key capabilities and skills;
- Better serve your customers, and your customers' customers; and
- Determine what to measure and why.
Authors E. Neil Gholson and Mark T. Schloegel have woven into the book a number of real-world situations that will ring true to companies of all sizes. They include case studies and concrete action steps with suggestions about “how to get started.”
You can view the Introduction, Chapter 1 and the Table of Contents on NAW's website ( www.naw.org/dvm/) to get an idea of the scope of this historic publication. The complete DVM (including the book, Map, and second map, which is designed to serve as your own company's worksheet) is available to ASA members for $299. The publication is available from NAW at www.naw.org/dvm/ or by calling Vicky Walsh at NAW: (202) 872-0885.