- Darrell Bescham, chief economist, Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy.
- Jean Lupinacci, director, ENERGY STAR program,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
- Donald Lavada, project manager, Energy Efficiency
Services, New York State Energy Research and Development Agency.
- Robert Thompson, Energy Efficiency Projects, City
of Pasadena, CA.
- Tom Hartman, president and CEO, The Hartman Co.
- Drake Erbe, vice president for business development, Airxchange Inc., and chairman, Mechanical Subcommittee, ASHRAE 90.1.
Presentations and discussions will examine new trends surfacing in state governments, novel turns in the global energy dialogue and what the U.S. presidential candidates are proposing for the next phase in national energy policy.
For more information about the Danfoss EnVisioneering Symposium, call Robert Cavey, president, Global Strategy Initiative, at 202-744-3633 or visit http://www.envisioneering.danfoss.com/symposium.