ASA Addresses Needs and Issues Facing Manufacturers.

ASA’s Vendor Member Division has always been an integral participant in the success and value of ASA’s convention programs. This year, to enhance the value of Network’07 for vendor attendees, ASA has given special consideration to creating an agenda that specifically address the needs and hot topics facing manufacturers today.

This month’s Network’07 highlights provide a sneak peek at the sessions designed specifically to enhance the value of the meeting for vendors, beyond the always successful Channel Marketplace (Highlight #7 from June’s ASA News!). Read on and see what’s in store for you… 

HIGHLIGHT #8: What's a Manufacturer to Do? Working at Cross Purposes

During this session, developed exclusively for manufacturers/vendors, Michael Marks will explore the exceedingly complex business relationships that are evolving between manufacturers/vendors and their traditional customers. He’ll explore findings in his recent NAW Institute report and share some strategies that can help manufacturers learn how to work more closely, and more profitably, with their distribution partners and end-use customers. Every manufacturer/vendor in our industry looking for a new way to leverage their partnerships should attend!

HIGHLIGHT #9: Private Labeling and Other Key Trends for Manufacturers

Given the intensity with which private labeling has become a significant part of our industry’s makeup, this session was developed to stimulate much discussion among the participants.  Adam Fein will look at the trends identified in the2007 Facing the Forces of Changestudy he presents earlier in the day (Highlight #1back in May’s ASA News) and speak to manufacturers about what these trends mean for them specifically. He’ll offer some highlights from his research which have implications of interest to the manufacturing community. 

HIGHLIGHT #10: ASA Plumbing Industry Breakfast: Today's Home Builder's Outlook

Last year at this time, we were talking about how long the “current housing boom” would stick with us…This year, we are already looking at what the future holds in terms of recovering from the slump, which even though it was anticipated, was experienced more deeply in some residential markets than in others. Tony Koblinski of Pulte Homes will share his views on the near-future landscape of residential construction, as well as his company’s views on the latest dynamics in our supply chain. A must-attend for every manufacturer in our channel! 

For a complete agenda and registration information, visit or call 312-464-0090.

As a reminder…
WHERE: Anaheim, CA

WHEN: October 24-27, 2007

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES STILL AVAILABLE! Please contact Ruth Mitchell at 312-464-0090 x210 or

LOOK FOR MORE HIGHLIGHTS IN THE AUGUST EDITION OF ASA NEWS - we will feature highlights for our Industrial Piping Division members and all PVF distributors and manufacturers!