Members’ interests are actively represented.

A significant portion of ASA’s Government Affairs program is executed through coalitions that address the issues of greatest importance to members.  Partnering with other organizations and corporations that have similar goals allows ASA to strengthen its voice and wield greater influence with lawmakers than if the association acted on its own.

There are nine coalitions in which ASA participates:

LIFO REFORM COALITIONopposes the repeal of the last-in, first-out (LIFO) method of accounting for inventory.

COALITION FOR A DEMOCRATIC WORKPLACEsupports the effort to ensure the continued right of American workers to freely and secretly choose whether or not to be represented by a labor organization.

GOVERNMENT WITHHOLDING RELIEF COALITIONsupports legislation to repeal a sweeping new requirement mandating a 3% tax withholding by federal, state, and local governments from payments to contractors for goods and services – including purchase orders.

TAX RELIEF COALITIONsupports enactment of significant tax relief for businesses and individuals that will lift the economy out of recession and promote a durable economy.

FAMILY BUSINESS ESTATE TAX COALITIONsupports permanent repeal of the death tax.

CLEAN WATER COUNCILworks on all levels of the legislative process to promote water infrastructure funding, including the budget, reauthorization, and annual appropriations processes.

WATER INFRASTRUCTURE NETWORKsupports legislation to adequately finance America’s drinking water and waste water infrastructure and the establishment of a permit funding source (trust fund).

LEDBETTER FAIR PAY ACT WORKING GROUPopposes legislation that effectively eliminates the current statute of limitations on filing of pay discriminations suits.

ENERGY ROUNDTABLEmeets monthly to discuss and coordinate efforts of importance to the HVAC industry.  Groups that participate are ASA, AHRI, ACCA, NAPHCC and HARDI.

For links to specific coalition websites and more information on ASA’s Government Affairs program, please