Have you ever been traveling and realize an important file is on your desktop?

You’re traveling and you realize an important file is on your desktop.

Maybeyou can get a co-worker to email it to you. Or you can suck it up and do without (SOL).

Or you could plan ahead and realize you are going to need files you may have left back at home.

There’s a program/free service that lets you get any file off your computer using any Web browser, Avvenu (http://www.avvenu.com).

You download and install a small application on the base desktop.  Configure it with a username and password (here’s where youreallywant to use a hard to guess, strong password).

Then when you need a file, you go towww.avvenu.comand log in.  Your files are displayed and you can download the one you need.

Your network administrator will freak, but a system like Avvenu will save your rear end someday.