Pewaukee, WI-based wholesaler Gustave A. Larson Co. presented its 2008 Partners in Excellence and Quality Award in May to Advanced Distributor Products, J.B. Industries, Crystal Distribution, DuPont Fluoroproducts, and Heatcraft Refrigeration Products.
Pictured (left to right): Andrew Larson, CEO, and Karl Larson, chairman, of Gustave Larson; Howard Schmidt, Advanced Distributor Products; Ken Rothgeb, Heatcraft Refrigeration Products; Pat O’Brien, Crystal Distribution; Doug Johnston, DuPont Fluoroproducts; Jeff Cherif, J. B. Industries; with Sue Sinclair, senior vice president/chief inventory management officer, and Scott Larson, president, Gustave Larson.
The winners are chosen through an evaluation of data collected throughout the year considering various measurements of the quality of partnering in business. Factors considered in the evaluation process are product quality, profitability, marketing, sales support, electronic commerce capabilities, on-time deliveries, basic credit terms, policies and procedures.