Read here for an updated price and inventory chart fromThe Copper Journal.

Copper rose for the third consecutive month, as March averaged $1.7170 on Comex, up 21.06¢, or 14% from $1.5064 during February, but was off $2.09, or 55% from $3.8111 last March. Through the first quarter, copper averaged $1.5673, down $1.97, or 56% from $3.53 during the first three months of 2008.

Copper held in Comex and LME warehouses fell 41,335 MT, or 7.1% to 541,248 MT from 582,583 MT in February, but stocks were up 417,807 MT, or 338% from the 123,441 MT held in inventory in March 2008.

See below for a chart covering 1988 through March 2009.
