ASTM International Web portals are now capable of accessing up-to-date standards, government regulations and referenced documents in one single place.

ASTM InternationalWeb portals are now capable of accessing up-to-date standards, government regulations and referenced documents in one single place.

ASTM Web portals, powered byCitation, are interactive sites that include a specific collection of ASTM standards, as well as other standards and documents chosen by the user. The portal allows multiple users to link between standards that are referenced, add notes or attachments for others to view, and make side-by-side comparisons of redlined standards. Currently, there are ASTM portals available for biodiesel, environmental due diligence and transportation, with more sector-specific portals under development.

ASTM Web portals are also available as custom collections, which provide instant online access to a collection of ASTM and other standards tailored to fit the needs of your company or organization. Companies specializing in steel, petroleum or medical devices can have their controlled document list delivered directly to the desktops of their end users. This option also allows organizations to upload their own internal documents and link them directly to ASTM International standards and/or other international regulations.

For more information and to view a free demo, visit theASTM Web site.
