Blog to connect with your customers.
I find it hard to believe that
there are still businesses without a Web site. HavingsomeWeb presence seems as
important to a business as having a telephone number.
I know that a lot of businesses
don’t do a Web site because the quotes they’ve gotten are unreasonably high.
There is an alternative that is
inexpensive (or even free), start a blog. Blogs started off as a sort of
on-line diary that anyone could read. They have transformed into a search
engine-friendly way to market your business. Some well established blogs are
getting over a million unique visitors a month. And blogs have scooped major
news services, and are often cited as one of the reasons for declining
newspaper circulation.
If you want to start blogging,
go to one of the major free sites, Blogger (owned by Google) at,
Typepad at, or Wordpress at In about 2 minutes you can register a new account and be
With their WYSIWYG (“what you
see is what you get”) interfaces, formatting a blog post is really very easy. Let
your friends, customers, etc., know where to look for your blog and you will
soon have a following.
Over 100,000 new blogs are
started every day. Many get a few posts and then become neglected. If you are
serious about using your blog to market your business you need to be reliable
about making posts to it. Set up a posting schedule, at least once a week is
recommended. Use your Outlook calendar to set a weekly reminder to do your
post. Write a few spare blog posts to keep “in the bank” for weeks when you
don’t have time or inclination to write something. Just don’t stop once you
Blogging can be agreat
way to have a Web presence, just don’t neglect it. For an example, my blog is
Tech Bit #34 by Gregg Marshall
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