I love the holidays - always have and always will! We had 20 people for Christmas dinner this year. What a good time we had! And, I love the start of a new year. It gives us a clean slate. In a lot of ways, we have the opportunity to start over. Out with the old, in with the new!
Being a goal-oriented kind of guy, I always make a few resolutions for the New Year - and I’m pretty darn good at sticking to them. This year I have a half dozen I’m going to work on. Most are personal - but I also have a couple of business-related ones, too!
So here I sit on New Year’s Eve - and I’ve just written down my 2010 resolutions (one of them is to haveSupply House Timesarticles sent to Pat Lenius by the first of every month). Then I started thinking about my readers and what resolutions you might consider that would make you, your team and your showroom better in 2010. I am including a fairly long list of possibilities that you might want to consider for your resolutions. I’ve listed them by categories, but not in any order of importance. YOU will have to decide what YOU will need to do to become an even better showroom manager or sales consultant. Some of the potential resolutions I’ve followed with a brief description, but most are self-explanatory. Pick one, some or all - and I promise you’ll be better for it!
You know me - I could go on and on, but I have a limit on these articles. I would be interested in hearing from my readers what their “Top 10” business resolutions are for this new year. If I get enough responses, I’ll do a follow-up article and include your replies. Let me know why you selected your “Top 10” and how you believe they will make you better in 2010.
Have a GREAT 2010!