Affiliated Distributors (Wayne, PA) presented awards at its annual Spring Network Meeting for the Plumbing & PVF divisions, held in Houston.
Liberty Supply and All-Tex Pipe & Supply received awards for greatest overall growth; MKS Pipe & Valve Co. and Louis P. Canuso for greatest participation growth; Cooney Brothers and Mechanical Supply Co., for conversion. In addition, Ernie Coutermarsh, F.W. Webb Co.; Jill Hurd, All-Tex Pipe & Supply; and Kip Miller, Eastern Industrial Supplies, received service awards for their service to the PVF Divisional Board, and Dan Byrum, Bakersfield Pipe & Supply, for his service to the PVF Product Committee.
Pictured (L-R) Gary Jackson, Affiliated Distributor’s VP Pipe, Valves & Fittings Division; Jill Hurd, CEO/president, and Brian Harrigan, VP, purchasing, both of All-Tex Pipe & Supply