Rony Mejia, a material mover at the ITT factory in Morton Grove, IL, was recognized by the company for creating and implementing innovative social outreach programs that are making a positive difference for people and communities in his native country of Guatemala.

Rony Mejia, a material mover at the ITT factory in Morton Grove, IL, was recognized by the company for creating and implementing innovative social outreach programs that are making a positive difference for people and communities in his native country of Guatemala. Over the last several years, he has formed and led a number of volunteer organizations that provided an ambulance, fire-fighting equipment, hearing aids, medical and school supplies, furniture, clothes, monetary donations and other critical services to underprivileged sections of this Latin American country. 

In addition, he recently served as an ITT Watermark volunteer with a group of employees who provided equipment and expertise to bring clean water to impoverished areas of Guatemala.

Pictured, Mejia (center) received the 2010 Harold S. Geneen Award for Outstanding Community Service from Gretchen McClain (left), president of ITT Fluid and Motion & Control, and Steve Loranger, chairman, president and CEO of  ITT.
