NAW’sWholesale Distribution Manager's Coursewill be held June 7-11, at Ohio State University.

NAW’sWholesale Distribution Manager's Coursewill be held June 7-11, at Ohio State University. This year’s theme, “Your Key to Success in a Challenging Economy,” will show attendees the importance of training and development for maximum success and profitability. Wholesaler-distributors will get that training through classroom learning, small-group study and networking opportunities with distributors from all across the industry.

Course Topics include:
  • Sales Management
  • Value-Added Services
  • Market-Focused Planning
  • Financial Management and Control
  • Human Resources Management and Teamwork
  • Supply Chain Management.

    This course is ideal for distributor personnel responsible for a branch, region, area, division, territory, or functional area of the business. Companies of all sizes are represented at the course. Personnel from companies under $5 million in sales to more than $1 billion attended last year.

    For more information and registration details,  click here.

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