Stuart “Stu” H. Raub, 77 passed away January 19, 2011 in Lancaster, PA, after a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease.

Stuart “Stu” H. Raub, 77 passed away January 19, 2011 in Lancaster, PA, after a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease. He began working at the age of 16 at Raub Supply Co. where he spent 33 years working at the company that his grandfather founded. 

Raub worked in a number of positions ultimately serving as President and CEO of the company. In 1982, he left Raub Supply to begin his own company, Industrial Piping Systems (IPS) in York, PA. 

He mostly enjoyed a smaller business atmosphere that honored the values and practices that he believed in, taking a strong personal interest in the welfare of his company’s employees and growing strong partnerships with customers and suppliers. Raub retired from daily operations at IPS in 2002, but continued to advise and mentor until he became ill.  

Source: IPS
