Dan Hilton, ASA Director of Government Affairs; Tom LaGuardia, Milwaukee Valve; Dave Prahler, First Supply;
Congressman Paul Ryan (WI-1); Joe Poehling, First Supply
On May 3 and 4, 2011, more than 30 dedicated members of the American Supply Association came to Washington, D.C., for ASA’s Legislative Fly-In. Those in attendance not only had the chance to develop relationships and learn from their peers, but they also had the opportunity to educate their congressional leaders on critical industry issues. The event kicked off with a discussion on the state of the economy and the new health care law. Members of ASA engaged in spirited discussions with top economists and health care experts. ASA President Bill Kenny (Kenny Pipe & Supply, Nashville, TN) stated, “This [advocacy] may not have been something we necessarily wanted to do, but for the sake of our industry and our individual businesses, it was something that we needed to do.”

(L-R): Harold Arrowsmith and John Martin of Anvil
International; Congressman Marsha Blackburn
(TN-7); ASA President Bill Kenny, Kenny Pipe & Supply

(L-R): Stan Dreyfuss, Porter Pipe & Supply
Co.; Dennis Goode, M. Cooper Supply; Roskam staffer; Congressman Peter Roskam (IL-6)
Please contact Dan Hilton, ASA Director of Government Affairs, at 703.328.5234 or dhilton@asa.netfor more information.