As we begin the recovery from tough economic times, ASA realizes that it is more important than ever to recognize those within the industry who have really made a difference for so many others.

The prestigious Fred V. Keenan Lifetime Achievement Award honors an individual’s contributions to, and achievements in, the PHCP/PVF industry. The award is named for its first recipient, Fred V. Keenan of Keenan Supply, a division of Hajoca Corp. Wholesalers, manufacturers, independent manufacturer representatives, association executives or other individuals involved in the industry are eligible to receive the award.

Other previous recipients include Karl Neupert, Ed Felten, John McDonald, John Martin and Frank Finkel. The award will be presented during the Annual Meeting and Member Lunch atNetworkASA 2011.

For detailed award criteria and nomination guidelines, please visit theBenchmarkingpage ofwww.asa.netor contact Mike Adelizzi at 312.464.0090 x201
