In a move designed to centralize operations, plumbing master distributorYour ‘other’ Warehousewill relocate its Baton Rouge, La., business operations to Atlanta. The process is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2012.
Many employees from the Baton Rouge office will have the opportunity to transition to the new Atlanta offices, and those employees who do not transfer or find other positions will be offered enhanced severance packages and outplacement assistance from Home Depot, YoW’s parent company, spokesmanSteve Holmessaid.
YoW recently hiredCraig Cowartas its general manager and Cowart will oversee the transition while working out of the Atlanta offices.
“This is a reinvestment in our business,” Cowart told Supply House Times during KBIS 2012 in Chicago. “It’s a total alignment for the team, which had been split up. It will allow us to continue to be the leader in the plumbing industry that we are now.”
Also,The Home Depotwill be opening two new customer service centers to support YoW and its online business; one in Kennesaw, Ga., and the other in Ogden, Utah just outside Salt Lake City.
Finally, while a location hasn’t been finalized, Holmes said the company hopes to open a new fulfillment distribution center in Georgia, hopefully by the fourth quarter of 2013.