An important strategic objectiveof ASA is to increase the number of talented workers taking advantage of attractive career opportunities in the PHCP-PVF industry. The ASA Board of Directors approved an outreach campaign to connect potential new employees with member companies. ASA is developing turn key tools and resources for members to use when recruiting job seekers for positions in their companies, such as
at local job fairs. 


Member Benefits

Upon request, ASA members will be provided with an ASA Careers popup banner, brochures and a “how to”
guide for effectively hosting a career fair. The brochures are customizable and allow ASA members to promote
jobs in the industry to high schools, colleges, veterans and active service members, while promoting their own companies as well.


More Information

Check out ASA’s Careers Page at to post available positions, view upcoming career

 events near you and to see what else ASA is doing to facilitate job growth in the industry. You may also contact Bill Erfort for more details at and 630/ 467-0000, ext. 212.