From Metals Service Center Institute, shipments in August for both steel and aluminum in the United States declined from 2014 levels. Inventory levels deteriorated only moderately for both metals in the U.S. and Canada, MSCI noted.

In August, U.S. service center steel shipments decreased by 8.9% from August 2014 levels. Steel product inventories increased 1.9% over August a year ago. At the current shipping rate, this represents an increase of 11.8% from a year ago.

U.S. service center shipments of aluminum products in August decreased by 2.2% from the same month in 2014. Inventories of aluminum products decreased 1.2% from August a year ago. At the current shipping rate, this is an increase of 1.0% from a year ago.

Canadian service center shipments of steel products decreased by 6.3% from August 2014. Steel product inventories increased 3.4% from August a year ago. At the current shipping rate, this represents an increase of 10.3% from a year ago.

Canadian service center aluminum shipments in August increased 4.3% from the same month in 2014. Inventories of aluminum products increased 2.8% from August a year ago. At the current shipping rate, this represents a decrease of 1.5% from a year ago.